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Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society 1985;14(1): 169-174.
Clinical Studies of the Occipital Bone Fracture.
Ho Soun Lee, Suck Jun Oh, Hae Dong Jho, Young Rak Yoo, Nam Kyu Kim, Hwan Yung Chung
Department of Neurosurgery, School of Medicine, Hanyang University, Seoul, Korea.
In the past the patients with fracture on the occipital bone involved the lateral sinus and/or the foramen magnum, were treated with the early exploratory burr hole trephination regardless of mental state. The 64 cases occipital bone fracture were evaluated used the computed tomography of the brain scan. The fracture lines involved both the transeverse sinus and the foramen magnum were 59.4%, only the transeverse sinus were 29.7% and only the foramen magnum were 10.9%. The findings of the computed tomography of the brain scan were normal 42 cases, brain edema 13 cases. The 5 cases had large hematoma on the computed tomography of the brain scan performed emergency operation. The other 59 cases were treated with only close observation and conservative treatment. The mortality rate was 20% in operative treatment and 8.5% in conservative treatment. So we concluded that the patients with significant fracture on the occipital bone but had no surgical indication on the computed tomography of the brain scan might be treated with close observation & conservative treatment and it would not be necessary to perform the exploratory craniotomy as was done in the past.
Key Words: Occipital bone fracture; Lateraal sinus; Foramen magnum; Exploratory burr hole trephination; Computed tomography; Operative treatment; Conservative treatment
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